20 December 2006

February 07

January 20-21 Body Weather Workshop Oslo
Info and flyer: sunhasta@hotmail.com Tel: +(0)47-9220 4954

February 5 21.00h Monday Match Dance & Music Impro Bimhuis
impro lab curated by Michael Moore and Frank van de Ven

February 10-11 Body Weather Workshop Berlin
Dock 11 Kastanienallee 79 10435 Berlin
www.dock11-berlin.de phone: (004930) 4481222

February 10-11 20.30h Instant Composition Performance Evening
Dock11 Berlin

'Noughts' - Daniel Schorno: music - Frank van de Ven: dance
'Angel Meat' - Kyungsun Baek: dance - Bertram Dhellemmes: music

'February 28 - March 1 & 2 Archa Theatre Prague Solo Performances
www.archatheatre.cz Frank van de Ven directs solo’s for young makers

March 5-9 Body Weather Workshop Amsterdam

21 November 2006

Something Here That Is Not There - Performances December 06

Dance: Joa Hug, Ailed Izurieta, Ema Nik Thomas, Milou Veling
Direction and Training: Katerina Bakatsaki

- Friday, 1 December: 16.40hrs at the entrance gate of ADM, Hornweg 6 Havens-West Amsterdam. Entrance: free

- Saturday, 2 December: 21.00hrs at Overtoom 301, Amsterdam. Entrance: 6 euro

- Saturday, 9 December : 19.00, 20.00 and 21.00hrs
3 performances in a private living room. Entrance : 5 euros

09 July 2006

NewMediaPocketOpera Forum Neues Musiktheater Stuttgart > 28-29 July 2006

for ISCM World New Music Festival 2006
First performance of NewMediaPocketOpera

garden of dream / folie à deux - a pocket opera by Daniel Schorno

garden of dream / folie à deux
a pocket opera by Daniel Schorno
after the short story `Folie à deux` by Rebecca Brown

Komposition, Video: Daniel Schorno
Regie: Frank van de Ven
Bühnen- und Kostüm-Design, Video: Yoko Seyama
Tanz: Frank van de Ven
Elektronisches Piccolo-Heckelphon: Ernest Rombout
Live-Illustration, Elektronische Objekte: Pascal Boudreault

Stimme , Text: Camille Hesketh
Virtueller Darsteller: George Balcombe
Instrumentenbau: Jorgen Brinkman / STEIM
Produktionsassistenz: Erika Combeé / STEIM
Musikalische und Dramaturgische Beratung: Dirk Haubrich

08 May 2006

Body/Landscape in Killarney National Park, Ireland > 10-16 September 2006

Interdisciplinary Open-Air Workshop exploring the relationship between Body, Art and Landscape led by: Frank van de Ven (Body Weather Amsterdam) and Milos Sejn (Academy of Fine Arts Prague)

Information and registration: tel :+ 31 (0)20 68 42 568 / frank.bwa@xs4all.nl

07 April 2006

Body/Landscape in Itxassou > 14-20 July 2006

Information and inscription : tel :+ 31 (0)20 68 42 568 / frank.bwa@xs4all.nl