February 11-22 Flower of the Season Los Angeles
Touching Images Workshop and
solo performance at Electric Lodge Performing Arts Center http://electriclodge.org/
March 16-20 Body Weather
Workshop Amsterdam
5-day intensive workshop
5-day intensive workshop
Info and flyer: frank.bwa@xs4all.nl
Tel: +31-(0)20-6842568
March 22-28 Body/Landscape
Grövelsjön Central Sweden
Info and flyer: petrasoor@yahoo.co.uk +44-7932 040 047
Info and flyer: petrasoor@yahoo.co.uk +44-7932 040 047
April 11-12 Body Weather Workshop Strasbourg France
From touch and manipulation to performance and dance
From touch and manipulation to performance and dance
Info and flyer: CIRA formation
danse info@cira.asso.fr +33-(0)3 8836 7073
April 18-19 Body Weather Workshop Luxemburg At Trois
C-L http://www.danse.lu/
From touch and manipulation to
performance and dance
Info and flyer: http://www.danse.lu/stages-et-formation-continue-2/stages-choregraphiques/adultes/stage-de-body-weather%C2%AE-frank-van-de-ven/
April 25-26 Body Weather
Workshop Prague Czech Republic
At Archa Theatre Info and flyer: terza.carna@archatheatre.cz
At Archa Theatre Info and flyer: terza.carna@archatheatre.cz
June 1-7 Body/Landscape
Isle of Eigg Scotland
info and flyer: neilacallaghan@googlemail.com tel:+44(0)7739 459
info and flyer: neilacallaghan@googlemail.com tel:+44(0)7739 459
July 17-23 Body/Landscape
Itxassou Pays Basque
Workshop embedded within the Errobiko Festival combining work in the studio with hikes through the Pyrenees. Info and flyer: frank.bwa@xs4all.nl
Workshop embedded within the Errobiko Festival combining work in the studio with hikes through the Pyrenees. Info and flyer: frank.bwa@xs4all.nl
August 23-28 Bohemian Rosa Elbe Sandstone Mountains Czech Republic
Body - Site - Exploration Interdisciplinary workshop with Milos Sejn
(Academy of Fine Arts Prague) and Frank van de Ven
Info and flyer: ms@sejn.cz or frank.bwa@xs4all.nl